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Top Questions to Ask before Choosing an Orthodontist

The oral healthcare of children is just as important as their education and not something to be taken lightly. The oral healthcare of children is just as important as their education and not something to be taken lightly. Research has shown that oral health is

Changing the paradigm for how adults with autism thrive

A statement from Gillian Leek, CEO, NEXT for AUTISM as we embark upon Autism Acceptance Month This last year has been a remarkable and challenging year for everyone. We have all experienced incalculable loss — of life, of opportunity, and of our daily patterns of

A Solution to Expensive Healthcare: Medical 24/7

It’s no secret that as time has passed, the gulf between those who can afford healthcare and those who cannot have widened. The debate over the causes of this issue has played out endlessly in the media. However, until now, very few solutions were being

Vyne Medical Auto-Indexing Solution Now Available to Hospitals and Health Systems

Auto-indexing reads and automatically associates high-volume form data to appropriate fields in the patient record. Vyne Medical®, a leading provider of electronic health information and communication management solutions, announces the launch of new functionality to help streamline hospital administrative functions. Auto-indexing accurately transforms documents and