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Back to School Nutrition – Tips from a Dietitian

The Houstonian Club’s registered dietitian shares ideas on fueling your child with nutritious food while making it easy, worry-free, and healthy. A fun and safe school day starts with adequate nutrition, and it is that time of year when parents are combing the internet for

Pet Wants Launches Food Donation Drive

Cincinnati business partners with tri-state animal shelter Pet Wants, a Cincinnati pet nutrition company, is partnering with the Cincinnati Animal CARE Humane Society on a donation drive for both dog and cat food. Pet Wants will provide a two-for-one matching donation for each pound of

Kid-Friendly Brain Food for Busy School Days

Starting a new school year, whether in the classroom or online, brings excitement for kids of all ages. Opportunities to see friends, make new acquaintances and explore new areas of interest abound. Along with the exciting times can also come early mornings with hectic moments

Sustainable Eating for a Better Earth

(Family Features) Although good nutrition is essential for human life, food production has a significant impact on the environment. Taking a more sustainable approach to sustaining your body can help protect the Earth and its climate. Food production accounts for more than one-fourth of all

Small Pastured Meats Business Gaining Traction

Greener Grazing Inc. based in Gorrie, Ontario is expanding in 2021. Greener Grazing Inc. is a small business based in Gorrie, a small town in the heart of the beautiful agricultural community of southwestern Ontario. The business was started in 2015 (although not under the