“Stop Inflation” Campaign Launched by Fiscal Responsibility Advocates
QR Code Connecting Voters to Elected Officials

A coalition of nonpartisan advocates concerned about the impacts of inflation and out-of-control national debt recently launched a national “Stop Inflation” campaign. The effort supported in part by the Let US Vote for a Balanced Budget Amendment Citizen’s Campaign, Inc. is seeking to connect concerned citizens with elected officials to advocate for fiscal responsibility.
The “Stop Inflation” campaign is encouraging citizens concerned about higher prices, slow growth, and their impact on future generations, to utilize a QR Code that will put them in direct contact with their elected officials.
The QR Code is part of an image of a gas pump overlayed on a stop sign with “Stop Inflation” at the top and bottom of the graphic. As people use the QR Code they are taken to a website with more information and a direct link to share their concerns with their state and federal representatives. Visitors are encouraged to ask officials to pledge to support a state-drafted, inflation-fighting, Fiscal Responsibility Amendment to the United States Constitution.
“If Congress had complied with the Constitution in 1979 by Calling for the states to draft and the people to ratify a U.S. Balanced Budget Amendment, we could have saved more than $29 trillion in debt and prevented a 70% decline in the dollar’s purchasing power,” explained David Biddulph, Co-Founder of Let US Vote for a Balanced Budget Amendment Citizen’s Campaign. “On behalf of our granddaughters and future generations, we are proud to connect concerned citizens with their elected leaders to demand leaders address this problem without delay.”
“Any solution to the economic crisis, extreme taxation, and run-away spending will require a vote of the people. A Fiscal Responsibility Amendment would allow the people to vote on the solution and choose a brighter future for generations to come,” Biddulph continued. “Congress has ignored its responsibility for too long. It is time to let the people vote.
To learn more about the calls for an Article V Convention of States or to schedule an interview with a Let US Vote for a Balanced Budget Amendment Citizen’s Campaign, Inc. spokesperson, contact Mae James at 386-423-4744 or info@letusvoteforbba.org.
Mae James
Let us Vote for a BBA Citizen’s Campaign, Inc.